Building a Survey

Getting Started with Survey Shaper - Click here to view a short video demonstrating how to build a survey in Survey Shaper.

To build a survey, question objects are added in sequence into the Flowchart. There is no limit to the number of questions that can be added to a survey.

Important Note: All surveys must contain a question (usually placed at the end of the survey) with a "finished successfully" Finish Action set. This ensures that the survey responses are saved as a successfully completed record in the data.

By default, newly created surveys are populated with two example questions:

  • Start - this can be used as a landing page, with an introduction to survey
  • End - this can be used to display a closing message at the end of the survey. This question has the Finish Action set to "finished successfully", so that any respondent who is presented this question will be tagged as a complete record in the data.

The two example questions may be deleted, renamed, or modified in any way. New questions can be added before or after them (that is, the example questions do not need to be the first and last questions in the survey).

Note:To modify a survey that has been published, you must first save a new version of the survey (select Save As > New Version from the Main Menu).

To Build a Survey:

  1. Add question objects, either by: Toolbox

    See Adding Questions for further detail.

  2. Tailor the display of questions, either via the:
    • Quick Update Box
    • Quick Menu
    • Properties Pane

    See Specifying Question Details, Changing a Question, Question Sets, or Codesets for further detail.

  3. Preview questions (see for further detail)
  4. Move question objects (see Moving Questions for further detail)
  5. Remove question objects (see Removing Questions for further detail)